A Brattender is any man or woman who can properly guide their delicious bratwurst to it's perfectly grilled destiny. We launched The Brattender campaign by introducing fans to him through social media. Throughout the summer we posted videos that coordinated with UGC based contests. Success was measured in content gathered, "likes" gained and brats eaten. Our fans doubled in 3 months. Well done Brattender.

Facebook Studio Award  Winner, Silver and Bronze Effie Winner


Daily Bratfirmations 
Fans were treated to the Brattenders pearls of wisdom daily via Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr, and then encouraged to share their own.


Don't Pierce the Brat: A power love ballad to pork.
Any good brattender knows that piercing the skin of a brat is the cardinal sin of brattending. To show his deep affection for the juicy goodness that lies beneath that skin, the Brattender made the world's first power ballad to pork. Rock out with your tongs out. We then encouraged the fans of the Brattender to create their own music videos.


Below is the winning entry.